Parental Alienation

Parental alienation occurs when a parent, referred to as the alienating parent, attempts to create a relationship with the children that excludes the other parent from their lives. Often this exclusion arises from the alienating parent’s personal feelings about the other parent, the rejected parent, and their desire to punish them, and it is not related to any real deficiencies in their parenting. In alienation cases, alienating parents make negative comments about capable and loving parents and strive to destroy any relationship the children may have with them. These alienating parents not only fail to encourage and support a positive relationship between their children and the rejected parent, but they essentially brainwash the children into disproportionately and unjustifiably rejecting the non-alienating parent.

The problem with parental alienation is it can work. Often, children will get to the point in which they refuse visitation or any contact at all with the target parent and express only negative feelings about rejected parents. Sometimes this is because children will believe the negative things they hear about the other parent, they’re unable to act against the alienating parent, or they enjoy the attention they receive for complying with the alienating parent.

Parental alienation is a separate issue from not wanting contact with a parent who is physically, emotionally, or sexually abusive.

If you believe you are being alienated from your children or your relationship with your children is being negatively impacted by the other parent, there are resources available to help identify alienation and repair the parent-child relationship. Our attorneys are experienced in parental-alienation cases and have the tools necessary to reunite you with your children.

Measuring & Identifying Parental Alienation

When we feel unwell, we go to the doctor so that a professional can tell us what is wrong with us and what we need to do to feel better. Similarly, an essential step in recovering from parental alienation (and preventing it) is getting professional help. Parental alienation is difficult to prove; if you suspect that your child is a victim of parental alienation, you should obtain and organize as many facts that support your situation. Inexperienced lawyers can easily let a vital piece of evidence fall through the cracks. With our top-rated attorneys, you can rest assured you’ll be in good hands. Book a consult with a board-certified managing partner to get started.

Counseling & Therapeutic Intervention

In some cases, the court may order alienating parents into mandatory therapeutic interventions designed explicitly for parental alienation or make similar orders as a condition of continued possession. The court may also order the rejected parent and children to participate in reunification therapy.

Intensive, court-directed, therapeutic intervention starts by removing the causes of the parental alienation and layering in therapists for the alienating parent, the children, and the rejected parent. This approach usually requires regular, follow-up, status hearings, and in severe cases; a court-appointed caseworker, an amicus attorney, or a guardian ad litem to monitor progress, or lack thereof, and report back to the court.

Effective advocacy for the rejected parent requires that the advocating lawyer has experience in the nuanced and subtle ways that parental alienation is exhibited in the parent-child relationship. The lawyer must also appreciate that parental alienation is a form of emotional abuse toward the child, and it requires immediate, judicial and mental health intervention.

Goals of parental reunification include:

  • The ability for the child to relate freely with both parents.
  • Eliminated parent-child alliances.
  • Restored parent-child relationships.
  • Reduced use of avoidance as a way to resolve problems.
  • Improved coping skills.
  • Corrected cognitive understanding and an understanding of the “shades of gray” as opposed to “black and white” thinking.
  • The ability to view issues from multiple perspectives.
  • Improved moderating behaviors.
  • Enhanced parenting skills.
  • Established co-parenting skills.

In Texas, a court may require an individual who engages in parental alienation to attend individualized counseling designed to increase awareness and reduce destructive behaviors.

If parental alienation is mild and a removal or change of custody is not appropriate, the court may compel a parent to attend mandatory individual therapy. The goal of these therapeutic sessions is for the alienating parent to identify and replace behaviors that contribute to the negative impact on the parent-child relationship.

Custodial Removal

A request for a change in custody of an alienated child is a dramatic option for the court, but it can be appropriate when the risk of suffering long-term damage is too great to act less aggressively.

According to the Texas Family Code, the public policy of the state is to “provide a safe, stable, and nonviolent environment for the child.” In the face of abuse, a court may limit parent-child contact as well as the parent’s right to make decisions on behalf of the children.

When is Custodial Removal Appropriate?

If prior therapeutic interventions have failed, temporary or permanent removal and transfer of the alienated child to the disfavored parent is often an effective option to reunify the child and rejected parent. Moving the child and introducing caregivers and mental health experts into their life may allow the alienated child to reestablish a relationship with the rejected parent.

Alternatively, the court may also place the child with a neutral third party, such as a family member or a therapeutic boarding school. This placement is an interim step used in anticipation of the child transitioning to the primary care of the rejected parent.

Guardian Ad Litem

In Texas, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to advocate for the best interest of the child. A guardian ad litem may be appropriate for a case involving parental alienation as the guardian (as specified in the Texas Family Code) may “perform any task directed by the court.” These tasks may include interfacing with court-ordered custody or forensic evaluators, acting as a spokesperson for the treatment team, aiding the child, or managing other narrow tasks.

Temporary Restraining Orders

Temporary Restraining Orders can be issued to prohibit the alienating parent from contacting or exercising possession of the child. The benefit of a Temporary Restraining Order is that it can be obtained rather quickly and provide a brief measure of safety to the alienated child and rejected parent while more information about the severity of the situation is obtained. The court may later implement additional orders and restrictions at a temporary orders hearing or final trial.

Violations of Court Orders

In Texas, a court may find someone in contempt if it discovers that a parent violated orders (e.g., orders to submit an evaluation, refrain from engaging in certain negative behaviors, or turn a child over to the other parent). The range of punishments available to the court include fines, orders for attorney fees, the posting of a bond to secure compliance with the order of the court.

Clear, specific, and enforceable custody orders that prevent parental alienation from continuing are required because the alienating parent is often manipulative, fails to follow court orders, or is simply unwilling or unable to refrain from their alienating behaviors. Vigilant and consistent enforcement of custody orders is a critical element of legal representation for a parent who is the victim of parental alienation.

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Brian and his staff were great. Brian’s direction and expertise provided me with the legal information relevant for my needs over several years now. He listens and is steadfast which gave me comfort in the courses of action. I highly recommend him.Brian and his staff were great. Brian’s direction and expertise provided me with the legal information...

Larry M.

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